Surety Law

Taylor McMahon

Our practice in the surety bond area is extensive and spans over forty years.

We have served as bond counsel or affiliated bond counsel on numerous surety disputes in state and federal court in Alaska. Our surety attorneys are often engaged during a default or potential default of a contractor and advise clients on the best path towards mitigating risk and minimizing cost expenditures while complying with contractual bond obligations. We typically represent the surety client regarding enforcement of their bond obligations against the contractor in litigation or other dispute resolution. We have addressed matters involving all forms of bonds, including but not limited to performance, construction, and payment bonds. Our scope of coverage includes investigation of the bond claim and recommended response to the client, enforcement of indemnity rights, defending the surety interest in litigation and asserting relevant defenses, and monitoring tender arrangements for surety clients, among other items. We frequently publish articles addressing cutting edge issues in surety law including presentations at national surety conferences.

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